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Island Santa, a novella

Owen Thomas

Owen Thomas is a life-long Alaskan living on Maui because life is too short for long winters. He has written six books: four novels (The Lion Trees; Mother Blues; Message in a Bullet: A Raymond Mackey Mystery (Book 1); and The Russian Doll: A Raymond Mackey Mystery (Book 2)) and two collections of shorter fiction (Signs of Passing; and This is the Dream). More information on all of these titles can be found throughout this site or you can feel free to subscribe to OwenThomasLiterary for updates and special bargains. You can also email Owen directly.

Island Santa, a novella

Island Santa is a novella. While it is here available for purchase separately, Island Santa is also included in a larger work of short fiction by Owen Thomas entitled This is the Dream.

The Nelson family is spending Christmas in Hawaii, a dubious proposition for Peter and his twelve-year old sister, Katie.

Katie still believes in Santa Clause. Embarrassing, but true. Having finally come to grips with the tragic “extinction” of unicorns and the senseless exile of the Tooth Fairy, little Katie now clings to Santa with a tenacity so grim and so combative that her older brother and her parents can only exchange worried looks across the dinner table. Someone should talk to her about the real world.

But no one quite seems to have the courage.

The idea of running off to Hawaii just as Santa is loading up his sleigh is met with more than just a little resistance. After all, how is it reasonable to expect that the red-suited fat man will know to look for them in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? What will he think when he parks his reindeer atop their dark and empty home?

Peter, fifteen, has his own concerns, less about Santa than the sacrifice of holiday tradition. What about the snow and stringing the house with Christmas lights? What about the first-person-shooter zombie video games at the neighbors’ Christmas Eve party? More importantly, how can a Christmas away from home not have a devastating impact on the volume of Christmas-morning loot?

Not that the Nelson kids have any real say in the matter. The tickets have been purchased. The bags have been packed. Peter will have to console himself with the belief that his friend Cody is right: that the Islands are teeming with topless women. Katie, meanwhile, will just have to trust that Santa can adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

Neither of them is prepared to understand why their father seems to have forgotten his true age, or why their mother is calling him a sex pony, or even why he pushed for the trip to Hawaii in the first place.

In the end, everyone is going to believe what he or she wants to believe about the world.

It’s going to be an interesting Christmas.


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